Monday, 16 April 2012

19 days :/

Today was the first day back at school after the Easter holidays. It doesn't even feel like we had two weeks off. The pressure's really on now - I feel like The Final Countdown by Europe should be playing on a loop in the background of my life. Why? I hear you ask. Well, as the title says, 19 days. 19 school days left until we break up for Study Leave on May 11th. My first exam is French and it's on May 14th. I can't even speak French. Oh my God:/

To convey my mixed emotions about study leave, I have included the ambiguous gif you see above into this blog post. Think of it what you will.

Whilst I've been writing, I have a potion brewing on Pottermore. I can't believe it takes 51 minutes to finish:O I've not been on the site for ages - I got a username in August because I was a beta user, but since it opened to everyone on Saturday/Sunday, there's been a lot of hype at school, so I thought I'd go on it. Now you practically know the story of my life, lol.

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